When you have a chance encounter with someone, most people don't know how to start a conversation. In fact, the best way is to look at the situation you're both in and make a 'sparky' comment. Things that interest or puzzle you and are likely to interest them.
"I hate these new PIN numbers"
"That stuff looks fun, doesn't it?"
"This looks good, have you tried the sausages?"
"Fancy only having one barman"
"We've been waiting ages, is this train always late?"
"You know, they never seem to put anything on special offer that I really want"
"Excuse me, but I've just got to say that I think you're T-shirt is fantastic"
"Now those look fattening, but terrific!"
If you want to learn some other ways to start conversations with strangers, come along to a Flirting Safari.
As one guy said recently... Hi Peter, I came on your Flirting Safari yesterday. I like to say thank you, it is quite cool - did end up getting a number yesterday evening - from a gorgeous 27 year old girl at a station, using a situational opener, which would never have happened without the training had from you.