Monday, June 19, 2006

Chat Up Strangers in Art Galleries and Exhibitions

Art galleries and exhibitions are a great place to meet people, because they are a relaxed environment like Waterstones or Borders. People have time to browse and seem happy to chat.

The best way to approach someone is when they are standing looking at a picture or exhibit. Come along side them, and after a few seconds say something that strikes you about the picture or exhibit. Maybe something like... "I love the way he's captured the shadows."

You've then got keep the conversation going. You could ask them if they've been here before, whether they're on a visit for the day or on holiday, or if they saw another exhibition that you also went to. Then listen to what they say and follow any interesting things they might mention to build the conversation.

Practice makes you perfect, so talk to anyone in three feet.

To learn the best way to approach strangers, come on one of my Flirting Safaris.

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