Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Why Flirting Makes Men Feel Good

Researchers in London recently conducted an experiment to see if men experienced the boost observed in animals known as "mating response".

They put a third of 149 male students aged between 18 and 24 in a room to talk to a 25-year-old male researcher, while the rest spoke to one of seven female students aged 18 to 22.

The men who'd talked to a woman showed, on average, a 14 percent increase in their testosterone levels, while their cortisol levels were up 48 percent. These are the hormones that are associated with alertness and wellbeing.

Belfast Telegraph, October 25, 2009


Dave said...

You didn't explain why?!

The Dating Doctor said...

It makes you feel good because testosterone and cortisol are the hormones that make men feel sexy and good about themselves.